Docly Child

Rename Tracking Widget Tab Labels

To modify the label name of the Tracking progress tab on your Tracking page, you can include the provided code snippet within your theme’s function.php file.

// change Tracking page Tracking progress tab label name
add_filter( 'tracking_page_tab_label', 'rename_tracking_progress_tab_label' );
function rename_tracking_progress_tab_label( $labels_name ) {

	// if wou want to change the name of the Tracking progress tab label
	$labels_name['tracking_progress_label'] = 'Tracker progress';

	return $labels_name;

To modify the label name of the Products tab on your Tracking page, you can include the provided code snippet within your theme’s function.php file.

// change Tracking page Products tab label name
add_filter( 'tracking_page_tab_label', 'rename_products_tab_label' );
function rename_products_tab_label( $labels_name ) {

	// if wou want to change the name of the Products tab label
	$labels_name['items_label'] = 'Products in this Shipment';

	return $labels_name;

To modify the label name of the Notifications tab on your Tracking page, you can include the provided code snippet within your theme’s function.php file.

// change Tracking page Notifications tab label name
add_filter( 'tracking_page_tab_label', 'rename_notifications_tab_label' );
function rename_notifications_tab_label( $labels_name ) {

	// if wou want to change the name of the Notifications tab label
	$labels_name['notifications_label'] = 'Shipment status notifications';

	return $labels_name;

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