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Tracking API

The Tracking API provides a programmatic interface for developers to integrate shipment tracking & delivery capabilities into their custom applications. The API supports over 800+ shipping carriers around the globe, offering a unified tracking experience for customers.

By integrating the TrackShip Tracking API into their custom applications, developers can streamline shipping processes and provide customers with real-time shipment updates, improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

How it Works

The API utilizes RESTful web services and returns data in JSON format. The API supports multiple shipment carriers, allowing developers to track shipments from multiple carriers in one unified view.

With the API, developers can send tracking information for shipments via an API call to TrackShip. Upon shipment creation, TrackShip’s tracking engine will automatically start tracking the shipment and sending real-time shipment and delivery updates to the custom application via webhook. Developers must configure a webhook with an endpoint in their custom application to receive these updates.

To get started, developers must obtain an API key and review the available API documentation

API Quick Start
API Quick Start

Our quick start documentation on how to use

Connect your custom app
Connect your custom app

In order to utilize TrackShip’s tracking API effectively,


All API calls must include this header to

Create a tracking
Create a tracking

Create a shipment tracker for Custom App URL

Get a shipment status
Get a shipment status

This API endpoint allows you to retrieve the

Delete a shipment tracker
Delete a shipment tracker

Delete a tracking. URL Header Parameter: CURL


TrackShip can trigger webhook events to notify your

API Request Errors
API Request Errors

In the event of API request errors, TrackShip

Get all shipping providers
Get all shipping providers

Get all shipping providers data. URL CURL

API Reference
API Reference

Find the complete reference documentation on how to