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Tracking Page

The tracking page is a landing page on your store that is dedicated to updating customers on the status of their orders. When you install TrackShip for WooCommerce, it creates a dedicated tracking page on your store and a tracking widget will display on the Tracking Page and on the WooCommerce View order page.

The tracking widget includes information on the order and the shipment/s information, when the order has been shipped, the origin and destination of the shipping, the shipment status, tracking events, products that are included in the shipment, and an estimate of when it will be delivered to its final destination.

Tracking page example:


Tracking Page Settings

To set up the tracking page on your store, go to TrackShip > Settings and click to open the Tracking Page settings panel:


When you enable the tracking page, your customers will be directed to track their order on your store instead of directing them to the shipping carrier’s websites. The tracking widget is fully customizable and since it’s a standard WordPress page, you can add custom shipping messages, upsells, and more…

Tracking Page – Select the page on your store that you will use as the tracking page. TrackShip for WooCommerce creates a Shipment Tracking page to WordPress > Pages and adds the [trackship-track-order] shortcode to that page content.

You can customize the tracking page design using page builders such as UXBuilder or Elementor. If you select to use a different page as your tracking page, please make sure to add the [trackship-track-order] shortcode is added to the page content.

To use the shortcode in your template files or in the my-account endpoints, select “Other” for the tracking page and add the URL of the page you will use the shortcode in its content.

Customize the tracking widget

You can fully customize the tracking page widget with a customizer with a live preview, you can select which information to display on the tracking widget and personalize its style & colors to match your brand.

The Tracking Page Widget customizer has 3 panels:

Style & Color Panel

Available options include the Background color, font color, border color, and links color


Display Options Panel

  • Tracking Page – choose Tracking Page design Modern or Classic.
  • Tracker Type – choose between the progress bar or icons bar display.
  • Enable Tracking number link to Carrier Website – this will enable a link to track the order on the shipping provider’s website.
  • Hide Shipping Provider Logo – hides the Shipping Provider logo image from the tracking widget
  • Remove TrackShips branding – remove the TrackShip branding from the tracking page footer from the tracking widget.
  • Tracking events display – Choose 3 different options, hide the tracking events, display the last event with the option to expand or show the full events, the shipment tracking event details from the tracking widget
  • Last-Mile Delivery Tracking Number – this tracking number will display if the tracking number is a different tracking number for the destination shipping carrier. Usually, it will apply to 4PX and Yun Express shipments to the USA, handled by USPS.
  • Hide shipping from-to – This will show when the origin country and destination country are different.

Tracking Page Modern view:


Do not display tracking events:


Display all the tracking events:


Display only the last tracking events and expand option:


View Order Page

The Tracking Widget will also display on the WooCommerce View Order endpoint for guest customers and in the accounts > orders history

View Order Page Example:


Tracking Page Link

When you ship an order, your customers will receive a link to track the order that includes the Tracking number parameters taken from the WooCommerce order and allow us to identify the order to display the tracking information.

For example, for the tracking number: 123456789, the link to track the order will be:

If anyone tries to go directly to the tracking page, without the tracking number in the URL parameters, they will be required to enter the order ID and the email address or the tracking number to view the tracking results.

Tracking Page form


You can fully customize the Tracking form in the TrackShip customizer. navigate to Tracking form customizer go TrackShip Settings > Tracking Page then select Widget Form

  • Tabs display – choose the tabs option to show the Order details tab or Tracking details tab
  • Button text – select button text.

You can also change the background color, border color, font color, links color, button color, button font color, and button border radius from the Tracking page widget customizer > Style & Colors.

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