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Shipment tracking

To use TrackShip for WooCommerce, you need a shipment tracking plugin in your store. Once you add tracking info and mark an order as shipped, it sends the details to TrackShip. This happens automatically when an order is fully or partially shipped. Typically, you’d send tracking info when the order status changes to shipped or partially shipped. If you have custom order statuses, TrackShip lets you choose which ones to send tracking info for.

TrackShip is compatible with the following shipment tracking plugins:

SMS for WooCommerce

The TrackShip for WooCommerce is compatible with the SMS for WooCommerce.

When both plugins are active, you’ll find SMS notifications under

WooCommerce > TrackShip > Notifications > SMS Notifications

You can enable automatic SMS updates to your customers for each Shipment Status. You can customize the messages and use custom variables:

  • {tracking_link} – the tracking link for the order
  • {shipment_status} – the shipment status for that tracking order in case TrackShip is enabled
  • {est_delivery_date} – the shipment estimated delivery date for that tracking order in case TrackShip is enabled


The TrackShip for WooCommerce is fully compatible with the Checkout for WooCommerce (CheckoutWC)

When both plugins are installed, and if you choose to enable thank you page/order received template, we will display the tracking page widget on the thank you page. You can also select the Delivered order status to display on the thank you page:


Thank you page (when you use the order received template)



You can use the Delivered order status for marketing automation with AutomateWoo.

in this example, we created a workflow to request a review that will be triggered 1 week after the order is delivered to the customer:


WP-Lister for Amazon

The TrackShip for WooCommerce is compatible with the WP-Lister Lite for Amazon and WP-Lister Pro for Amazon.

When Wp-Lister for Amazon plugin is installed in your Store there We have added an option to enable/disable the Shipment status notification for orders created by Amazon in Wp-admin > Trackship > General Settings.


Custom Order Numbers Plugins

TrackShip for WooCommerce is compatible with the following Custom order numbers plugins:

When you use one of these plugins and use a custom order number format, the custom order number will display on the tracking page widget and on the shipping & delivery email notifications.

Tracking page widget example:


Email Customizer Plugins

TrackShip for WooCommerce uses the WooCommerce default email hooks in the email templates for the shipping & delivery notifications so TrackShip for WooCommerce is compatible with WooCommerce Email Customizers plugins which use WooCommerce default email hooks.

We are compatible with the following plugin of Email customizer

JWT Auth

The JSON Web Token Authentication plugin (JWT Auth) allows you to do REST API authentication via token. However, it changes the authntication to token for all the WordPress and WooCommerce API endpoints and that prevents TrackShip from being able to connect with WooCommerce via the API.

To exclude the TrackShip API endpoints from the JWT Token authentication, use the following code snippet in functions.php:


This compatibility allows vendors to track shipments from the Vendor Dashboard order details page.


With both the AST PRO plugin and Dokan Multivendor enabled, vendors can conveniently input tracking information via the vendor dashboard using the AST PRO plugin. Simultaneously, customers can track their shipments using the TrackShip for WooCommerce plugin.


To enable this compatibility, you must have the AST PRO plugin and Dokan installed and activated. Please ensure that you are using the latest versions of plugins to ensure optimal compatibility.

Tracking Widget

Upon entering details through the AST PRO plugin, this information will be sent to TrackShip, enabling users to view tracking updates conveniently from the vendor dashboard.


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