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Connect your store

To connect your store with TrackShip’s cloud service, begin by providing your store name and email address.


  • Store Name – The primary identifier of your store name.
  • Store email address – It’s important to note that your email address must match your store URL format (e.g., [email protected] for a store URL like

To create store in the TrackShip cloud, simply navigate to the TrackShip dashboard and choose the ‘Connect a store’ option. Alternatively, visit the ‘Stores‘ page and click on the ‘Connect a store’ button This will provide you with the necessary options to create a store in the TrackShip Cloud.

Upon connection, you will be redirected to the Store Settings to verify the domain.

Domain Settings

Once you’re in the Domain settings, you need to verify the Domain.

  • Sign in to Your Domain Name Provider: Log in to your domain name provider’s dashboard (e.g., GoDaddy, Cloudflare).
  • Copy the Record: Copy the record provided below and paste it into the DNS configuration for your domain.