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Check out our FAQs. If you don’t find an answer here, contact us.

Connection FAQ

1. How to fix connection issue

The TrackShip connection issue can happen in 2 cases:

The first option is that your SSL certificate is not properly installed o that your WordPress URL’s (WordPress > Settings > General), are HTTP and not HTTPS, Once you change the URLs to HTTPS, from the WooCommerce orders admin, mark the orders with connection issue and from the bulk actions menu, choose the Get Shipment Status and apply.

The second option is that you changed your store URL, if you did that, you should delete the store connection from your TrackShip account dashboard and connect your store to the new URL. Once you connect the new URL, from the WooCommerce orders admin, mark all the orders with connection issue,s and from the bulk actions menu, choose the Get Shipment Status and apply.

2. Why after connecting my store it shows that my connection is inactive?

The connection error might be due to a few reasons:

  1. Advanced Shipment Tracking Plugin is not installed and activated on your store.
  2. You are using shared host – most shared hosts have disabled the HTTP Authorization Headerby default. To enable this option you’ll need to contact your web host and make sure they are not blocking HTTP request from external websites
  3. Please also edit your .htaccess file by adding the following:
RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]

Once you complete these steps, go to your TrackShip account, delete your store connection and re-connect it.

3. I connected my store but the shipment status is not showing for my orders

The trigger to auto-track shipments by TrackShip is to add tracking to order and change the order status from Processing to Shipped (Completed). TrackShip will not automatically track orders that were Shipped before you connected your store.

You can trigger these orders to TrackShip by using the Get Shipment Status option on the WooCommerce orders admin in the bulk actions menu or by using the bulk Get Shipment Status option in the TrackShip Settings > Tools

4. I upgraded my subscription but many of my orders still show “Tracking Balance 0”

TrackShip will not automatically track orders that were Shipped when you had insufficient balance. You can trigger these orders to TrackShip by using the Get Shipment Status option on the WooCommerce order actions menu or by using the bulk Get Shipment Status option in the TrackShip Settings > Tools

5. My store is connected but many of my orders still show “Connection error”

These messages are from before you connected your store, TrackShip auto-track shipments when you change the order status from Processing to Shipped (Completed). TrackShip will not automatically track orders that were shipped when you had a connection issue.

You can trigger these orders to TrackShip by using the Get Shipment Status option on the WooCommerce orders admin in the bulk actions menu or by using the bulk Get Shipment Status option in the TrackShip Settings > Tools

Tracking FAQ

1. What is a Shipment Tracker?

A Shipment Tracker represents One shipment with a tracking number that you send to track on TrackShip from when you ship the order until the shipment are finally delivered to the customers. if you add more than one tracking number for one order, each tracking number is a separate Shipment Tracker.

2. How often are shipment tracking statuses update?

We check the status with the shipping provider every 2-4 hours and depending on the shipment status, for example, we check for updates more often when the shipment is Out For Delivery.

3. Which shipping providers (carriers) do you support?

TrackShip supports 880+ shipping providers around the world, check our shipping providers list to check if we support your carrier. If you need us to support a new carrier, please suggest your provider on our features board.

4. Which shipment status information is displayed on WooCommerce Orders admin?

TrackShip adds a Shipment Status column that will display the shipment tracking status, last update date and estimated delivery date for every order that you shipped.

5. Why the shipment tracking status is not displayed for my orders?

The trigger for sends the tracking number to TrackShip is when the order status changes to Shipped (for orders that Tracking info was added.)

If you have orders that were shipped before you started using TrackShip, you can manually trigger the Get Shipment Status, check our documentation for more details

6. What does each delivery status mean?

  • Unknown – The Tracking # is not valid or does not match the provider or not supported
  • Pre Transit – Carrier has received request from shipper and is about to pick up the shipment.
  • In Transit – Carrier has accepted or picked up shipment from shipper. The shipment is on the way.
  • Available for Pickup – The shipment is ready to pickup.
  • Out for Delivery – Carrier is about to deliver the shipment
  • Failed Attempt – Carrier attempted to deliver but failed, and usually leaves a notice and will try to deliver the package again.
  • Cancelled – the delivery has been cancelled
  • Error – unknown delivery error
  • Return To Sender – Shipment is returned to sender 
  • Delivered – The shipment was delivered successfully

7. I get unsupported carrier message for my shipping provider

If you are using a custom shipping provider, please use the predefined provider. Check if your provider is on our supported shipping providers list. If your provider is on the list, please enable it form the AST shipping providers list and use the predefined provider when you add tracking to orders. In case you can’t find your provider on our list, you can suggest a shipping provider here

8. Why do we get N/A for the Est. Delivery date on the tracking page?

The estimated delivery date is not available for all the shipment statuses and for all shipping providers, if the Est. is available with the shipping provider API, we display this date, you can check if the Est. delivery date is available on your shipping provider tracking page, then it should show on your tracking page and if its not showing, please contact us

Subscriptions FAQ

1. Do you offer Free Trials?

When you sign up for your TrackShip account,  you’ll get 50 shipment trackers for free to try the service, once you complete the trial balance, you need to signup for a paid subscription in order to continue using TrackShip for additional shipments.

2. Will I be charged when my trial trackers are finished?

No. You can fully test out TrackShip and all the features with the free trial Trackers without adding a credit card. It is completely up to you if you would like to carry on using TrackShip after your trial has ended).

3. Which Payment methods do you support?

We currently only accept PayPal. TrackShip is a subscription-based service and a subscription requires a PayPal account, if you do not have a  PayPal, Please contact us for tracker packages that can be paid with a Credit Card.

4. What if I go outside of my plan’s limits?

If you finished all your trackers balance before your renewal date, you can upgrade to a higher plan at any time from your TrackShip account. Your renewal date will stay the same and you will be charged for the new plan on the difference in the plan for the remaining period.

5. Can I downgrade?

yes, you can downgrade manually, you will be moved to the new plan in the your next renewal date.

6. Can I cancel my subscription when I want?

Yes, you can change or cancel your plan at any time in your dashboard. Once you have canceled, you’ll still have access to your premium plan until the end of your subscription cycle.

7. If a shipment Tracker returns no result, does it count?

It doesn’t. When a shipment tracker is not supported by TrackShip or returned Unknown the Shipment tracker isn’t counted in your trackers balance.

8. What if I have multiple stores?

You can add all your stores to the same TrackShip account and you’ll pay one price based on the combined monthly shipment trackers volume of the stores.

9. Does TrackShip charge for every API call?

No – we only charge per shipment trackers, no matter how many status events were created during its life cycle.