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Shipment Status Reference

TrackShip’s tracking API unifies the shipment statuses across all the shipping carriers, providing consistent and easy-to-understand status updates for your shipments. Here are the custom TrackShip statuses and their descriptions:

  • Unknown – The provided tracking number is invalid, or the shipping carrier has not yet provided any information about the shipment. It is possible that the package has not been shipped or picked up by the carrier.
  • Pre-Transit – The shipping label for the package has been created, but the carrier has not yet picked up the package. This status typically indicates that shipping information was the package is still with the sender.
  • Label Cancelled – The shipping label for this shipment has been canceled, and the package will not be shipped. This could be due to various reasons such as an incorrect address or canceled order.
  • In Transit – The package has been accepted by the carrier and is currently in transit to its destination.
  • Available for Pickup – The package has arrived at its local destination and is ready to be picked up by the recipient.
  • Out for Delivery – The package is currently out for delivery and will be delivered to the recipient shortly.
  • Delivery Failure – The carrier attempted to deliver the package but was unsuccessful. This could be due to an incorrect address, the absence of the recipient, or other delivery issues.
  • Return to Sender – The shipment is being returned to the sender, either at the sender’s request or due to a delivery failure.
  • Delivered – The package has been successfully delivered to the recipient and received by them.
  • On Hold – The shipment is currently on hold for various reasons, such as customs inspection or pending payment.
  • Exception – There has been an unexpected issue or delay with the shipment, such as a weather delay, customs hold, or other issue.
  • Deleted – This shipment has been removed or deleted from the tracking system and is no longer available for tracking.
  • Expired – There have been no updates on the shipment’s delivery status for more than two months, indicating that the package may be lost or the tracking information may be outdated.

TrackShip Statuses

  • Pending Update – Temporary status indicating that tracking information has been sent to TrackShip and first update will be available shortly.
  • Invalid Tracking – The tracking number entered for the order is invalid and cannot be tracked by the shipping provider.
  • Invalid Carrier – The shipping provider’s name entered for the tracking number is invalid and cannot be tracked by TrackShip.
  • Carrier Unsupported – The shipping provider is not supported by TrackShip.
  • Connection issue – Issue with the store’s connection to TrackShip. Check the connection troubleshooting guide for more information.
  • Unauthorized API key – User not found for this key
  • Unauthorized store – Store does not exist in TrackShip
  • Unauthorized store API key – The store is connected to a different account
  • SSL Error – This means that you have an SSL issue on your store, Click here for more details.
  • Insufficient Balance – The TrackShip account does not have enough tracking balance to create new shipments.